Thursday, April 17, 2008

Survival Gear

Survival gear comes in all shapes and sizes, and in all price ranges, and varies according to the individual. For instance, while you might need a large backpack, hiking boots, handy-dandy survival knife and your locked and loaded survival rifle, my needs might be totally different.

While I might have the backpack and hiking boots, I’m also wise enough to know that in the event of a walking bug out, I’m not going to go too far very fast carrying a 50 pound pack. I know there are those folks out there who can easily throw on a backpack loaded with a hundred pounds of survival gear and hike 20 miles without breaking a sweat!

Unfortunately there are many people who can’t do that. For those folks, let me tell there is a way…or two. I keep a folding two-wheeled luggage cart with me. By using bungee cords I can attach a plastic milk crate to the cart, and then slip a collapsible net laundry basket/bag inside the crate.

I’ve found that I can place four (4) gallon water bottles or milk bottles in the crate, and then rest the bag on top. I can then place a bunch of smaller items in the laundry bag. Currently I use this arrangement to bring in the groceries when I get home from shopping. However, in a walking bug out, this arrangement could prove to be a life-saver.

I could easily carry a couple of gallons of water and some other items in the crate. In the bag I can place the 2-man tent, the complete first aid bag, and even a bag containing about a month’s worth of dehydrated meals. In the backpack would be those items for absolute survival and navigation: compass, survival blanket, fire-building equipment, poncho, knife, flashlight and
other survival gear.

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