Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Edible Plants

Edible plants are the only type of plants I’m really interested in gardening. And, in fact, with growing water shortages, I would imagine that many home gardeners who have grown both flowers and vegetables, will eventually leave the flowers behind and focus solely on vegetables.

I’ve been reading this week about container gardening and self-watering containers. For me these show a lot of potential, as I don’t have the equipment necessary to till the ground. Also weeding containers gardens is practically, if not totally, non-existent. In addition, there’s the added advantage of not having to crawl around on the ground.

With the economy like it is, every person with a bit of a yard, a porch or
patio can grow a few fruits and vegetables to put on their table. For those who insist on growing a few flowers, then you can do a bit of camouflage gardening, by growing vegetables in between your flowers. If you plant the right combinations, your neighbors only notice the lovely flowers, unaware that you are actually producing food right in front of them.

If you really want to hide your food production efforts, plant your yard with wild edibles like dandelions. While they see you outside muttering about getting rid of the dandelions, they don’t have to know that you’re actually harvesting a nice bit of salad greens and buds to cook in that evening’s stew!

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