Monday, April 7, 2008

Home Food Storage

For you that have been purchasing commercially prepared long-term storage food for your home food storage you need to be aware that the government has become one of the largest purchasers of these items. This means that ship time for long-term food storage orders could be greatly delayed.

If you are feeling an urgency to prepare, then don’t limit your home food storage to the items you order from retailers of long-term storage foods. Watch for the sales at your local stores and begin stocking up there.

Here’s a recommendation, if you are concerned about your food purchases being tracked. Don’t suddenly begin buying an enormous quantify of canned and boxed foods, and if you do, pay cash. Unfortunately, paying cash also means that you can’t use those handy little membership cards to get the “sale” price. Because those memberships also track your spending habits.

Home food storage can be accomplished one step at a time, and by using a little common sense. Using coupons, shopping sales, checking expiration dates and buying a little extra each week, is an easy way to increase your chances of survival in a food shortage situation.
For some ideas on how much food to store,
click here

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