Friday, April 4, 2008

Food Preparations

I’ve often heard people say “don’t stock food that you don’t normally eat.” I must say that I tend to disagree with them. I’ve been in a place where food variety was somewhat limited, living off beans, squirrel and dandelions. I can tell you that as supplies were dwindling, SPAM became a delicacy and I would have cherished the taste of canned spaghetti.

History has shown when people get hungry they will eat just about anything; including bugs, grass, tree bark, shoe leather and paper. I know in a survival situation where starvation was imminent, I would even eat pecans…which I won’t touch with a stick!

It is for that reason that when I see Vienna sausages, spam or spaghetti-O’s on sale that I’ll stock up. I know that when a person is hungry that food they wouldn’t normally touch will get them through another day.

What about when it comes time to rotate out that food? Easy: eat it or give it away. You can always donate unwanted canned and boxed goods, as long as they haven’t expired, to local women’s shelters or food banks. Often the donation will also be a tax deduction.

Do stock up on anything you can afford when it comes to food preparations.

For more information about long-term food storage, click here

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