Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Drought Monitor

I don’t need a drought monitor to know that in the very near future water is going to become a bigger problem than food. Just this morning there was a program about the Colorado River and how it is no longer providing enough water to keep the desert cities of Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Phoenix, San Diego and Tucson green.

Put aside the fact that it was very short sighted to build huge cities in the middle of a desert wasteland, and look for a moment at the stupidity of trying to create a Seattle style green lawn in a land of cactus, scorpions and rattlesnakes. What does that mean for someone who lives in a part of the country where there are plenty of lakes?

What does that have to do with survival preparedness? Everything! If you are limiting your preparations to food and medical supplies, then you are overlooking one of the most important aspects of preparedness: water storage. Remember if the electricity goes out, there won’t be any water flowing out of the tap. So if you don’t have plans for water storage then you are running a real risk.

If you are not filling water storage containers because you have a stream, pond or well on your property then you are banking on the drought not reaching you. Unfortunately that puts you in the same class as those folks who don’t believe there’s a reason to set aside food and other supplies…foolish.

To learn more about water storage containers,
click here.

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