Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Bug Out Vehicle

When you mention “bug out vehicle” to anyone who practices survival preparedness you will hear about all types of customize motorized vehicles that people are planning on using in the event of a bug out. The one thing those folks are counting on is the continuance of gasoline or diesel to keep the vehicle running, or being able to survive an electromagnetic pulse (pulse).

Even if all those things happen, surviving an EMP and enough fuel to get going…but eventually that handy-dandy motorized bug out vehicle will become totally useless. What then? Are you going to leave behind all those necessary supplies and just take what you can carry on your back? Worse are you going to set up camp next to wherever your BOV came to a stop and hope that it’s in a good location?

Tell you what, long timer before there were motorized vehicles, there were muscle-powered wheeled vehicles. The muscle power was either supplied by animals or humans. The vehicles came in all shapes and sizes but the one thing they had in common were wheels.

Every motorized BOV should also contain a folding cart or other wheeled vehicle that can be used to haul supplies when your primary BOV comes to a stop. Some of the ideas I’ve heard lately are bowling bag carts, golf bag carts, shopping carts (the folding kind), luggage carts, etc. Of course, if you don’t have a motorized BOV, then a sturdy grocery shopping cart (ask a homeless person how handy a shopping cart is) will fill the bill.

For information on other bug out plans, click here.

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