Monday, March 16, 2009

Outdoor Emergency Kit

An outdoor emergency kit is probably one of the easiest ways to avoid problems in the outdoors. Unless you have received wilderness survival training and know that you can go into the wilds with nothing more than a Swiss Army knife and survive for three weeks, then there are a few things you should always take with you.

Even if you are only going for a short day hike on a well-traveled trail, a survival fanny pack containing the items from the list below, could be a life saver. We’ve all heard stories about someone who went for a “little” hike and ended up being the object of a massive search and rescue effort. Too often the hiker wasn’t dressed appropriately, had not taken any survival gear and supplies and had not followed common sense wilderness survival tips. What had started off as an enjoyable outing, turned into a survival experience and media event. Continue...

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