Monday, September 15, 2008

Are You Going to be Next?

This has been a devastating hurricane season for the south and eastern coasts of the United States. This weekend I was watching the news footage of the refugees evacuating the Texas coastline in advance of Hurricane Ike.

Most of them wore an expression of worry and almost panic as they clutched plastic shopping bags of a few items they'd grabbed before leaving home. However, in one shot showed what seemed to be a family waiting in line. Each person wore a backpack, while the father carried a large duffle. I didn't see any panic on their faces. They were evidently prepared.

Today I watched the news coverage as authorities went from house to house in Galveston checking for those who had decided not to evacuate. I also saw lines of people waiting for water and ice. There were also people shown waiting for a grocery store to open so they could get some food, while another woman was trying to get some gas for her generator.

My heart broke for those people who are suffering now because they didn't take time to do a little preparedness; some canned and dried food, some extra water, some extra fuel for the generator and a go bag or bug out bag for every family member. So little really, but priceless in situations like so much of the United States has experienced in the last few weeks.

Visit Survival Homestead for more information on what you can go to get ready. Do you need a Disaster Survival Kit? Do you want to try building your own Survival Fanny Pack? You will find that information at Survival Homestead.

Remeber: "Don't put off until tomorrow" when the hurricane is supposed to make landfall "those things you can do today" to be ready and safe.

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