Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Most Useless Profession Post-TEOTWAWKI

What current profession or occupation will be totally useless in a post-teotwawki world? If “the end of the world as we know it” should occur (“when” might be a better word to use) do you have a profession or occupation that would be absolutely without value?

Since the focus would be on survival, it is very unlikely that professions that currently deal with money, entertainment or law would be much use. Also jobs that are dependent upon electrical power would be “dead in the water”.

Here are just few that I came up with.

Mental health workers (psychiatrist/psychologist/psychotherapist) – some of the first people to die in a TEOTWAWKI event will be those without the internal, mental and emotional, stamina to adjust and survive. The
ones that do survive will be too busy scrambling for survival, to seek professional help.

Politicians – I would advise all politicians to keep their previous profession a secret as there will be many people looking for a scapegoat.

Real estate broker
Mortgage broker/Banker
Car sales
Computer programmer/software designer

Anyone with these professions would be advised to take up a hobby that would translate into a skill that would contribute to survival either directly or as a barter skill to obtain those things you might need to survive.

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