Friday, April 11, 2008

Survival Chat

At the suggestion of the folks on the survival homestead group we at Survival Homestead have created a chat room focused on survival. In Survival Chat anyone who is interested in survival preparedness.

The idea is to have times when people can get together and discuss ideas for disaster preparations. If you are interested in survival preparedness (you must be or you wouldn’t be reading this) the you are invited to join us in the chat room.

Do be aware that there will be no discussion of politics, religion or other controversial subjects. This is strictly a place to help each other prepare to survive.


Unknown said...

Found a new site they are a group that is teaching disaster survival with information on fallout shelters and other things. They are interested in storing knowledge and information it what I thought was cool.

Unknown said...

Oh I forgot to give the site name it was

jbjr said...

We have started a group in MT that currently has a small following,but the numbers are growing everyday. We have regular preparedness and survival classes.

Check out for the cheapest preparedness and survival supplies on the web.

Prep Mom said...

Please visit our website to find out what's missing from your survival kits, Thanks! -Prep Mom

Unknown said...

Hello All
It appears that this site is seldom used. with the last entry in 2010. Can yoou fill me in on what I need to do to get on the site and contribute and learn.

Anonymous said...

Anyone that is concerned with the radiation fallout can get Potassium Iodate through SurvivalRx
They can currently be found at

Unknown said...

Any one looking for dehydrated meals can goto

Unknown said...

Here is a link to an Online Disastger Preparedness Class. I've taken this class and its really good.

Blogger said...

You’re in luck! I found the exact website for you, I wrote it myself for people like you (and Im trying to promote it a bit). Contains everything you need, all the tips and tricks:

Btw, if you are a thankful person, please make sure to promote it a bit, (mention about it on forums, tell you friends and siblings about it and etc...)

Unknown said...

if any 1 is looking for some one to shoot ideas off and talk to about the Apocalypse messige me at

Unknown said...

Hi I'm actually selling a water bottle survival kit as cheap as I can, it has some basics but I'm pretty happy with it if anyone wants one or has some tips on how I can add things to it for not allot of money to make them better please let me know, thanks!