Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Medicinal Plants

Here are just a few medicinal plants and their uses. Some of these plants can be found in your own garden, others may be growing in your own backyard.

Basil is good for intestinal parasites and infections. Stimulates the immune system and contains vitamins A and C. Use the leaves and flower tops, either fresh or dry. Make an infusion by steeping one or two leaves in a cup of boiling water.

Blackberry is good for treating diarrhea, wounds, bleeding and wounds (leaves); sore throat, mouth sores (berries). Make an infusion using the leaves, berries or bark. To apply topically soak a cloth in the cooled infusion and press to the wound or even hemorrhoid.

Cilantro is used as a digestive aid and an anti-inflammatory. Steep the seeds in 1 cup of boiling water and drink three times a day.

Dandelion roots and leaves have a number of uses. The leaves can be eaten in a salad while the roots can be roasted and used as a coffee substitute. An infusion can be made from the dried leaves and used to treat high blood pressure and heartburn, hepatitis and jaundice (most yellow “weeds” seem to have the ability to treat liver problems (which can cause one to turn yellow/jaundice).

In addition to these “domestic” plants there are a wide variety
of plants that are found in the wilderness that can heal and cure.

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