Wednesday, July 11, 2007

A Gut Feeling?

Today the Director of Homeland Security said that he had a "gut feeling" that the United States may experience some kind of terrorist attack this summer. I also heard the word "nuclear" and "transportation". There was also some question about how much was really a certainty being disguised as a "gut feeling".

Whether you call it a "gut feeling", "intuition" or "paranoia" there are some people that are convinced that sooner or later there will be a nuclear incident in this country. Whether the incident would be limited to one place, or would be a well-planned, coordinated attack occuring in multiple locations at one time is just a matter of guess work.

However, given the propensity of the enemy to want the most "bang for their buck", even a seemingly localized incident could have far-reaching effects. For instance, the 9/11 attacks in New York, caused job layoffs in Texas (and elsewhere). The effects were not just limited to NYC.

If you haven't made any survival preparations, now would be a good time to see about preparing for the survival of your family. After all, if you are a good parent, chances are that you have a life-insurance policy that would help your family survive in the event of your death. Isn't it just as important that you do what you can to guarantee their survival in the event of a wide-spread terrorist attack?

For ideas of how to prepare, go to

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