Monday, March 31, 2008

Homemade Survival Equipment

One of the best ways to save money on survival preparations is to invest in homemade survival equipment. An item often overlooked when talking about survival is the walking stick.

Until I spent time in the mountains I used to think a walking stick was an affectation, an item for show. However, once I started hiking in the mountains I soon learned just how helpful a walking stick can be. Not only can it help steady you as you are moving, especially if you are carrying a load on your back.

Here are just a few ideas about the uses of a walking stick:
1. To steady your walk
2. Test the firmness of the ground
3. Push aside brush or limbs
4. To lift or toss away snakes in your path
5. As a defense against wild animals (four and two-legged)

Some of the best woods to use for walking staffs are hickory and ash; the two most recommended. Another wood that was recommended was bamboo, which can also be used to carry items in the hollow core.

Some inventive folks have chosen to make their walking stick out of lightweight pipe, with threaded ends that can be capped. If the staff is created using several 24” lengths with a threaded coupling, the stick can be dismantled. Another advantage of the pipe walking stick is that small survival items like a compass, knife, fishing line, and matches can be carried inside the staff.

For information on other survival gear and supplies,
click here.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

American Refugees Flood into Canada

I caught a mention of this when I stopped in a checked out a survival group I belong to. The person who had posted also provided links to the actual news articles telling about how Canada is dealing with the problem of an influx of American homeless.

It's interesting that one woman says "it feels like a concentration camp". Another article says that most of the refugees crossing from America into Canada are Mexican.

If that's the case then it seems that when the economy of America begins to crumble that illegal aliens have no problem leaving the "land of opportunity".

You need to read this articles so that you know what's going on...and if you get booted out of your home, don't plan on heading to're liable to get locked up or have your vehicle confiscated.,1,7073495.story?page=2

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

New Survival Preparedness Group

There's a new survival preparedness group that has been created by the owner of this blog and the Survival Homestead website.

While there are many such groups online, the main focus of this group is sharing ideas about preparing on a budget. In these days of financial instability it is even more important that we prepare. There are people managing to set aside some long-term storage foods and other survival necessities even though they are living on a limited income.

I personally know the importance of preparing, especially of putting food aside. I once spent 10 months living in the forest completely unable to get to town. Thankfully I had spent the previous winter stockpiling food. Those preparations really helped us make it through.

A few years later when both of us were without a job (again) the food I had stockpiled while employed it what brought us through.

If you want to know more about preparedness visit both the group and the website.